SouthernCarolina Alliance
About Us
Since 1996, SouthernCarolina Alliance’s scope of services to member counties has increased tremendously because of several factors. As one of eight regional economic development alliances in South Carolina, SouthernCarolina Alliance represents the most rural economic development region of the state. Because of trends in the field, as well as an evolving focus at the state level, SouthernCarolina Alliance has initiated our own marketing and recruitment efforts around the world. In doing so, the Alliance has built coalitions with industry and government leaders in our state and nation’s capitals, across Europe and North America, and within our own region of South Carolina.
SouthernCarolina Alliance markets multi-county industrial parks, industrial buildings, and sites encompassing over 14,000 acres of industrial property for development. With a primary focus of marketing our region both nationally and internationally, SCA operates with a professional staff specializing in marketing, industrial recruitment, commercial recruitment, product development, grant administration and project management.
SCA assists existing industries with expansions and new industries with start-ups, serving as a liaison to state government, including the SC Department of Commerce, SC Department of Revenue, SC Department of Health and Environmental Control, and other agencies involved in licensing, permitting and labor issues. The Alliance has assisted these industries in the execution and funding of environmental and engineering studies and site preparation, as well as public relations.